Equipment Installations

Storage Tanks and Farms

  • Tank and piping design
  • Secondary containment
  • Loading and unloading
  • Emergency and conservation venting
  • Mezzanine design
  • Spray dryers
  • Fluid bed dryers
  • Tray/Wyssmont dryers
  • Rotary dryers
  • In-line dust collection
  • Automation and controls

Compounding and Blend Tanks

  • Small, medium, large pours (Segmentation)
  • Agitation Design
  • Portable and fixed tank compounding
  • Metering
  • Odor Control
  • CIP
  • Material Flow
  • Process Design Cooling
  • Powder Handling
  • Tank Heating/Cooling
  • Microorganism Control

Odor Control

  • Fugitive emission capture
  • Scrubber design, installation and startup (packed bed, venturi, biofiltration)
  • Hood design and install

Compounding Automation

  • Metering
  • Automated recipe dispensation
  • Batch Integrity

Dust control

  • Cyclone separators
  • Impengiment separators
  • Rotoclone hydrostatic precipitators
  • Baghouses
  • Air locks


  • Digestion, including utilizing catalysis to drive the enzymatic breakdown of proteins to peptides and amino acids
  • Micro encapsulation to produce flavor emulsions using our know-how to minimize floating and foaming during the process to increase efficiency while producing smaller, more uniform particle sizes prior to homogenization
  • Maceration
  • Fermentation
  • Acidulation to add flavor, adjust PH, inhibit microbial growth

Work Exposure and Health

  • LEL/LFL design and installation
  • Fugitive emission minimization and capture
  • Room temperature control
  • Spill/leak prevention
  • Clean room design
  • Microbial control
  • Ventilation

Powder Blends

  • Ribbon blending
  • Tumble (PK) blending
  • Hobarts
  • Milling
  • Sifting
  • Metal detection
  • Weighing
  • Continuous blending
  • Automated packaging
  • Dust control
  • Room HVAC control (temperature and humidity)
  • Classification
  • Automation and Controls

Safety and Environmental

  • Fire/explosion protection
  • Grounding
  • Spill prevention
  • Secondary containment
  • Air/water permitting
  • Process safety mangement
  • Storm water management
  • Effluent monitoring and treatment


  • Vacuum and pressure distillations, including fractional distillation to separate miscible liquids with different boiling points; removal of a liquid or low melting point solid active ingredients by applying pressure
  • Folding of oils, including vacuum distillation of orange/lemon oils to remove terpenes
  • Stripping
  • Extractions, including treatment of raw material with solvent to solubilize active components from an inert matrix, solvent-solvent extractions using immiscible solvents to selectively remove active ingredients
  • Filtration

Ergonomic Improvements

  • Repetitive motion reduction
  • Job safety analysis
  • Root cause analysis
  • HMI

Emulsion and Homogenization

  • Standard hmogenization
  • In-line homogenization
  • High sheer mixing

Raw Material and Finished Product Handling

  • Pneumatic conveying
  • Screw conveying
  • Super sack discharge
  • Drum storage/warehousing
  • Refrigeration
  • Hot boxes
  • Drum/pail conveyors
  • Automated filling pack out
  • Racking

Other Equipment

  • Concentrators
  • Evaporators
  • Microfiltration


  • Boiler heaters
  • Compressors
  • Chillers
  • Space heaters
  • Energy conservation
  • Wastewater collection and discharge